Sensors & Alerts

Our systems generate a number of alerts in case of an incident or a scenario that requires human
intervention. Alerts are generated in various formats so that any action that is required can be
performed in a niche of time

Web Platform

Our most advanced platform features include.

  • Detecting unit position and watching its movements on the map;
  • Observing dynamic change of various unit parameters such as speed, fuel level, temperature, voltage, etc.;
  • Management of units (sending commands and messages, assigning jobs and routes, adjusting notifications,
    etc.) and drivers (phone calls, SMS, work shifts);
  • Control of unit movement along a route with checkpoints;
  • Interpreting information derived from the unit in various kinds of reports (tables, charts); and much more.

Tracking results can be presented on the computer screen as well as exported to files in different formats.

web, map, flat-3120321.jpg

Driver Identification Unit

This is most useful where a client has a pool of vehicles and would like to account for every driver vehicle usage and other parameters the company may set depending on its policies. They include

Trailer Tracker and stationery assets

This is a sensor that allows you to know that the right trailer is being pulled by the right truck. It also gives you an alert if the trailer has been coupled or decoupled. This security requirement is paramount since many people track the prime mover while the cargo in the trailer is forgotten.

Remote Generator Monitoring

We offer remote generator monitoring services that will give an overview of the general operating status of the generator and allow you to make necessary arrangements for preventive and scheduled maintenance through a smart tool at the comfort of your office.

Audio communication kit

This is a handheld transceiver designed for maintaining voice communication between the driver and the manager/traffic controller. The device does not require an additional SIM card and is connected by the plug & play method


Our platform is interfaced with a bulk SMS system that sends alerts to predefined numbers that our clients have provided to be receiving notifications.
Our monitoring platform is able to give you system alerts on real time occurrences for quick action
Part of our duty is to provide clients with detailed updates and report. Our system sends updates via email to clients to help them analyze how their fleet is performing and thus helping them make critical decisions for their business.
Tracking results can be presented on the computer screen as well as exported to files in different formats.Information and monitoring can be done on mobile phone or Pocket PC.